mise à jour : 16 mai 2020
new AMORTOUT releases available
mise à jour : 19 septembre 2018
Darsombra (usa) + Shantidas (fr) + Lacustre Varius Radar (fr)
Entrée 8 euros.
DARSOMBRA (Baltimore /USA)
(duo - trans-apocalyptic galaxy rock)
> avec Brian Daniloski de Meatjack, Suckpig....
(solo - noise destructeur)
> Projet solo et champ d’expérimentations de Shantidas, Guitariste d' Aluk Todolo,
après la série de concerts pétards, de symphonies aux platines, voici le requiem pour un caddie... nouveau show.
LACUSTRE (Paris/Bordeaux, FR)
(solo - drone / ambiant...)
> Projet solo en avant première du grand manitou moustachu Varius Radar,
véritable mercenaire de la transe sombre et lancinante officiant dans Year of no light, Acid Bonanga, Nexus, Sun, Altar Temple et autres formations mystiques en devenir.
mise à jour : 19 septembre 2018
2 new releases on AMORTOUT :
The first two Inselberg tapes are now available on the artist's bandcamp and via Amortout Productions
Cette personne - là
A piece composed for the theatre company DDN and recorded during sessions at La Loge (Paris) and the 6B (Saint Denis). Drone, ambient, mental theater
Text: Morgane Lory
Voice: Julien Crepin
Music: Matthieu Inselberg
Rêvant l’obscur
2 pieces for solo guitar
A resonant meditation around two tunings in open tuning. The search for an altered state inside the sound, in conscious oblivion. Following the path of Eliane Radigue and the most minimal albums of Coil.
Inselberg will play live (solo guitar) Wednesday, September 26 at the Olympic Café / Paris opening Common Eider King Eider (Alaska) et Drekka (Indiana) https://www.facebook.com/events/261641644378703/
mise à jour : 06 juin 2015
next amortout event :
nuit noire + aluk todolo + whors
au Buzz, 106, boulevard de Belleville 75020 Paris France
mise à jour : 18 novrembre 2014
pics from the show here
mise à jour : 22 octobre 2014
Le 10 Novembre à la Cantine de Belleville :
Âmes Sanglantes :
Âmes Sanglantes, nom d’emprunt de Pierre-Marc Tremblay, représentant de la scène industrielle canadienne, est aussi connu par ses autres projets solos, Guerre Solitaire, Cockeyed et The Teashop Madman, mais aussi Akitsa, Contrepoison. Tremblay a commencé en 1996, en sortant deux cassettes sur sa propre étiquette Psychoelectronic Sounds Recordings. Sa musique était un collage sonore intéressant de bruits comportant de nombreux éléments électroniques agressifs. Ses sorties subséquentes possédaient un son similaire, basées sur des structures cacophoniques fabriquées à l’aide de sources analogues diverses. A travers l’application d’une expression sonique extrêmement intense, il a réussi à saturer ses travaux d’une atmosphère de violence psychophysique, de déviations sexuelles, et d’impuissance malgré des méthodes sociotechniques de manipulation et de contrôle total exercées par des institutions étatiques sociales et religieuses.
Geography Of Hell :
Noise Power Electronics avec 5 releases sur Hospital productions et 1 sur Lust Vessel
Premier live.
mise à jour : 18 mai 2014
Now available on DVD from AMORTOUT
A l'est de l'enfer
East Of Hell
Un film de Matthieu Canaguier
DVD - 12€
© La Maison du directeur - 2013
mise à jour : 01 septembre 2013
"A l'est de l'enfer", the documentary about Black Metal scene in Indonesia
by Matthieu Canaguier (Amortout / Aluk Todolo / Diamatregon)
will be screened at the Etrange Festival on
Sept 10th & sept 12th at 21:15 at the Forum des Images, Salle 300
An interview about the film can be read here : http://www.laspirale.org/texte.php?id=414
update : 03 juillet 2013
EAST OF HELL trailer, including some short SACRIFICE live shots
Teaser East of hell from la maison du directeur on Vimeo.
update : 01 avril 2013
AMORTOUT PRODUCTIONS is proud to presents his new release :
SACRIFICE Rehearshal October 2012 Format : Cassette / Pro-dubbed/ Black print on golden paper.
Lenght : 26 min 40
Regular issue : 5 €
Limited issue came with additional artwork print on golden paper : 8€
Sacrifice is an indonesian band from in Sidoarjo (East-Java) formed in 1997.
They play a powerful mixture of heavy metal and twisted black metal, somewhere in between Mercyful fate, Bathory, Death SS...
Their lyrics and estethics are deeply inluenced by the javanese mythology,
the stories of the ancestors of Java and local wisdom and beliefs.
Recorded live in their rehearshal room, this release give a taste of the amazing energy they give on stage,
and deliver the songs that will formed their next studio album.
Get ready for and a raw dark and epic release !
update : 01 avril 2013
Amortout productions presente SACRIFICE from Indonesia
Rehearsal October 2012 on tape
also available in
limited edition with illustrations of the 5 tracks by Andhoeng
SACRIFICE on metal-archives
update : 22 décembre 2012
lundi 21 janvier 2013 aux Instants Chavirés (Montreuil - Paris)
Le Non_Jazz #2101
+ d'infos
+ de lien social
update : 15 décembre 2012
Photos from the East of Hell concert in Indonesia : here!
update : 27 octobre 2012
Burial Hex - The Night / Brighter Than The Day 12"
Newest offering from Clay Ruby's legendary Burial Hex composition cycle.
"The Night" signals the beginning of the end of this cycle,
as it is the first single from the upcoming Final Mysteries 3xLP.
"The Night" is a stirring ballad about the unfathomable nature of the night sky,
with lyrics based on a poem cycle by Rainer Maria Rilke,
which features Clay Ruby's idiosyncratic electronics and uneasy crooning,
enhanced by the exquisite string and horn arrangements of longtime
Burial Hex collaborator Troy Schafer (from Kinit Her, Wreathes, etc).
Exclusive to this release is the side-long b-side electro agony of "Brighter Than The Day",
and the bleak photography and graphic design of Aluk Todolo's Shantidas Riedacker,
making this the perfect platter for some inspired summertime stargazing.
released by editions gris and available now from amortout
update : 10 octobre 2012
update : 5 septembre 2012
Pre-order of the new double album from Aluk Todolo are available now.
DLP & DCD released by The Ajna Offensive & Norma Evangelium Diaboli.
update : 30 aout 2012
update : 20 aout 2012
New release, available now
this release from OBSCURE is a live recording, fanatical tape manipulation
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AMT013 TAPE 2012 OBSCURE (fra) "Certitude" available 5€ |
update : 1er juillet 2012
Now available from AMORTOUT | Back in stock |
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Diamatregon: "...To Death" 7'ep released on Drakkar productions |
Aluk Todolo : "Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg the first of October MMIX" tape |
get them in ORDER section |
update : 6 juin 2012
Diamatregon ...To Death 7'ep
out June 2012 on Drakkar Productions
update : 12 mars 2012
update : 23 octobre 2011
update : 16 octobre 2011
NEW AMORTOUT release :
Shantidas : Symphonie n° 1
Variations sur Oxygène pour platines et pédales
come in pro yellow tape
release date : October 19th 2011
release party at the Burial Hex / Pharmakon show
update : 25 septembre 2011
will play live with Danishmendt & Valborg
October 23th 2011
La Cantine de Belleville
update : 24 septembre 2011
Burial Hex + Pharmakon
2 rares american solo acts
Live at Le Chat Noir
75011 Paris
October 19th 2011
update : 20 septembre 2011
Monarch + Aluk Todolo + Huata
en concert à la Miroiterie
88 rue de Ménilmontant
Le 20 Octobre 2011
update : 16 septembre 2011
2 great albums now
available directly from Amortout productions
see ORDER section
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Menace Ruine Union of Irreconcilables digipack CD 2010 |
Corrupted |
update : 16 juin 2011
Bethlehem & Aluk Todolo
at the Sinister Howling Fest September 10th in Germany
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Halle 101, Speyer
update : 16 juin 2011
Dans le cadre des portes ouvertes des Beaux arts de Paris
Vendredi 24 juin 2011 à 20h
École Nationale Supérieure de Paris ENSBA
14 rue Bonaparte Paris 6eme
Amphithéâtre de Morphologie
SHANTIDAS - sympho noise
NOX FACTIO - industrial
MEIDOSUM - hardcore
update : 2 mai 2011
Back from the tour, the releases are now available online.
We also repressed the Diamatregon "Crossroad" tape, it is now on pro tape, and the nails are full of rust !
update : 12 avril 2011
The tape from Aluk Todolo & collaboration LP Aluk Todolo / Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand
are now ready at amortout
We are leaving for the Aluk Todolo / Menace Ruine tour
Those items will be available at the merch table, held by JR from Public Guilt
when we'll be back end April, it will be available from the AMORTOUT website.
Aluk Todolo + Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand : "a collaboration"
12" LP vinyl to be released April 2nd 2011 on WKN
digipack CD will be released after the LP
Aluk Todolo : "Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg the first of October MMIX"
pro tape c-30 to be released April 12th 2011 by Amortout productions
The Aluk Todolo "Ordre" 10ep will be available for Walpurgis night
We'll have some copies available on amortout.
update : 21 mars 2011
European Tour April 2011
2011-04-12 Paris, France - Le Point Ephémère with Year of No Light - tickets
2011-04-13 London, England - The Borderline with Year of No Light - tickets
2011-04-14 Brussels, Belgium - Magasin 4 with White Hills
2011-04-15 Tilburg, The Netherlands - 013 venue, Roadburn Festival (Sunn O))) curated's day)
2011-04-16 Leipzig, Germany - UT Connewitz
2011-04-17 Copenhagen, Denmark - Loppen (København)
2011-04-18 Gothenburg, Sweden - Nefertiti with Sabbath Assembly & Earth - tickets
2011-04-19 Norway or Sweden, TBA
2011-04-20 Malmo, Sweden, Singsang Studio
2011-04-21 Germany, TBA
2011-04-22 Berlin, Germany, White Trash with Kadavar
2011-04-23 Praha, Czech Republic - Chapeau Rouge
2011-04-24 Switzerland, Bern - Rössli Dachstock with Herpes Ö Deluxe
2011-04-25 France, Lyon - Grrrnd Zero
There are still 2 shows available :
- April 19th in Sweden or Norway
- April 21st in Germany
interested in booking should contact :
joris (at) conspiracyrecords (dot)com
new releases
Aluk Todolo : "ordre"
10ep vinyl to be released in April 2011 on The Ajna Offensive
Aluk Todolo + Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand : "a collaboration"
12" LP vinyl to be released April 2nd 2011 on WKN
digipack CD will be released after the LP
Aluk Todolo : "Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg the first of October MMIX"
pro tape c-30 to be released April 12th 2011 by Amortout productions
update : 1er mars 2011
Pictures from the Lugubrum & Aluk Todolo show are here
update : 21 janvier 2011
The presales are open for the Lugubrum & Aluk Todolo show February 19th
AMORTOUT Productions présente :
LUGUBRUM Belgique, Brown Metal (1er concert en France)
ALUK TODOLO France, Occult Rock
Samedi 19 février 2011 - 20h00
Paris - Le Pixi - 7 euros
Attention! attention !
Le groupe Flamand culte : LUGUBRUM se produira pour la première fois en France dans la cave du Pixi !
LUGUBRUM existe depuis 1992 et leur musique est toujours plus étrange et tordue, unique et malsaine.
En témoigne leur dixième album à sortir intitulé "FACE LION FACE OIGNON" !
Une occasion unique de découvrir leur Black "Brown" Metal sur scène et de vous faire griller les tympans sous le plafond bas de la cave poisseuse du Pixi.
En première partie, les français ALUK TODOLO vous plongeront dans la transe morbide de leur "Occult Rock" hypnotique et lancinant.
A ne pas manquer !
Capacité très limitée, prévente conseillée !
update : 15 decembre 2010
Lugubrum & Aluk Todolo
Samedi 19 février 2011 - 20h00
Paris - Le Pixi - 7 euros
LE PIXI : 82 avenue de la République - 93170 Bagnolet
métros: GALLIENI (ligne 3) ou ROBESPIERRE (ligne 9)
bus: 102 & 318 (arret "Republique-Robespierre" face au bar)
voiture: Porte de Bagnolet à 300m (direction Montreuil centre)
update : 21 Novembre 2010
Aluk Todolo & Menace Ruine
will be on tour from April 12th to April 24th 2011 in Europe
For booking contact : joris(a)conspiracy(dot)com
Friday April 15th 2011: Aluk Todolo & Menace Ruine - Roadburn Festival - venue 013 - Tilburg - Holland
update : 14 Octobre 2010
Jeudi 28 Octobre 2010
à 20:00
RM74 (Suisse)
Reto Mäder de Ural Umbo & Sum of R
creepy, paranoid, sinister noise & field recordings
sur Utech Records
Herpes Ö DeLuxe (Suisse)
avec des membres de Strotter Inst.
atmospheric noise & harsh drones
sur Hinterzimmer Records
76 rue de Jean-Pierre Timbaud
(au croisement avec la rue St Maur)
75011 Paris
update : 15 août 2010
New Aluk Todolo merchandising available from amortout
in the ORDER section
Aluk Todolo : Finsternis
LP version released by Public Guilt records
Aluk Todolo : T Shirt - cross
Grey ink on black T shirt
2 sides
Aluk Todolo : T Shirt - triangle
Grey ink on black T shirt
1 side
Also the first Diamatregon album has be rereleased for its 10 years
by Monokrom (from Russia www.helvete.ru)
Available directly from Amortout
update : 14 aout 2010
Vendredi 17 Septembre
Gunslingers (France)
Massacre-rock deviant inquisitors
(with GR & members from Aluk Todolo)
on World in Sound Records
Sunday Mourning (England)
Dark Doom Folk
on Aurora Borealis Records
en concert à la Cantine de Belleville
108 Boulevard de Belleville
75020 Paris
Metro : Belleville
update : 2 juin 2010
OBSCURE : Le Téléconcert
Samedi 5 Juin à 17h et à 18h (2 parties de 30 minutes)
Mardi 8 juin à 18h00 (1 partie de 45 minutes)
Galerie Baudoin Lebon, 38, rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris
Métro: Hôtel de Ville ou Rambuteau
tél : (33)
update : 27 avril 2010
Aluk Todolo on tour in May, Southern Europe
update : 31 mars 2010
update : 22 Janvier 2010
SUPER SS + Vitas Guerulaitis + Zoft
Mardi 9 février au Chiquito - Paris:
update : 1er Janvier 2010
New release :
OBSCURE : "Le cathodator " is now available on DVD
order here
Le Cathodator is an experimental short film of 15 minutes
Le Cathodator has been selected and played in thoses festivals :
- LUFF festival (Lausanne Underground Film Festival)
- Simultan festival in Romania
- L'heure Exquise festival in France
update : 6 décembre 2009
Super SS + The Noiser + Shantidas (vs Jean Michelle Jarre) + Storm Varx
live at la Miroiterie 88 rue Ménilmontant
Vendredi 18 décembre 2009 à 19h00
update : 22 novembre 2009
More show with Shantidas vs Jean Michelle Jarre
at la Miroiterie Jeudi 26 Novembre
25 Octobre 2009
Samedi 14 Novembre de 19h à 22h
Au Chiquito, 26 rue de Ménilmontant
Paris 20e Métro Ménilmontant.
(Alien8 recordings - Ambiant Drone Doom - Montréal)
(Industriel Electronics - Suisse)
SHANTIDAS vs Jean-Michelle Jarre
(Projet solo d'un membre d'Aluk Todolo - Sympho Noise - Paris)
22 Octobre 2009
15 octobre 2009
update 8 septembre 2009
« Obscure : Le cathodator » a été sélectionné dans le cadre de la compétition internationale
de courts métrages du Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival 2009.
Le festival se tiendra du 14 au 18 octobre 2009.
Le film intègre un programme de 90 minutes qui sera projeté deux fois durant le festival.
update 30 aout 2009
update 29 aout 2009
update 18 aout 2009
update 17 aout 2009
Diamatregon III : Crossroad is also available on CD
released by tUMULt records
see the order section from AMORTOUT
update 13 juin 2009
Der Blutharsch + Deutsch Nepal + Bain Wolfkind.
Lundi 21 septembre 2009 à 19:30
5 juin 2009
next show :
2 juin 2009
New Aluk Todolo album available
Aluk Todolo : Finsternis
Aluk Todolo are a recondite creature. Part okkult black metal fiend and part snide kraut menace.
Somehow the doppelganger works and Finsternis proves for a second time there is brilliance in the absence of light.
Dry, spare percussion grievously mines the scrapes, shrieks and shimmer of mutated guitar and bass.
Finsternis is the German word for eclipse, mimetic of cyclic elements, phases and unphases, endless rebeginnings, broken circles and perfect circles.
A dangerous, noxious coil of all things black.
released by Utech records in the URSK serie with paintings from Stephen Kasner (next to Skullflower, Final, Runhild Gammelsæter ...)
5 Avril 2009
Diamatregon T shirts
thoses high quality T Shirts are available in XL, L or M directly from AMORTOUT
Diamatregon III : Crossroad is also available on LP
released by Paragon records
see the order section from AMORTOUT
9 Mars 2009
New Amortout release :
Diamatregon III : Crossroad
The third Diamatregon album, on tape - 45 minutes
handmade nail package with exclusive 26 pages booklet
The LP version is available on Paragon records
the CD version is going to be available on tUMULt records
8 mars 2009
Téléconcert avec Atlan Superstar (sonic Surgeon) + Sifir (de Turquie) + Shantidas
c’est tôt, 17h30 à 20h
à la miroiterie 88 rue de Ménilmontant 75020 Paris
12 février 2009
concert black noise au Chiquito //PARIS
le vendredi 20 février 20h00 5€
26 rue Ménilmontant 75020 paris
métro Ménilmontant
Ambiant black noise, dark waves, miserable lust, oppressive obsession // New York
Harsh noise duo, en tension permanente entre des drones lancinants et des hurlments hallucinés // Paris
Improvised experimental sounds somewhere between 70' space music and dark ambient drones,
using ONLY analog modeling synthesizer
ex-member of 47ashes, many splits with Melek-Tha // Paris
24 janvier 2009
concert black noise
4 fevrier 2009 - Paris Metro Belleville
DAPNOM (fra) / OBSCURE (fra)
we are looking for 1 more band, you can contact us here
16 novembre 2008
new release
LUSSURIA (usa) / OBSCURE (fra)
Split tape about land possession and fanatism.
LUSSURIA : "Staining the Waters of Mt. Sinai Red"
This ambiant noise release is an exploration in the mind of the fanatic. The meeting points of obsession and possession.
OBSCURE : "Hexagone"
The most harsh noise obscure release to date, about political fanatism, decolonization, torture and murder. With intervention from a member of the OAS.
26 aout 2008
ALUK TODOLO live act :
19 sept 2008 : Brussels, Belgium 20h00 at bunker with Burial Hex
6 mail 2008
ALUK TODOLO live acts :
may 8th, Impakt festival, Utrecht, Netherlands
may 17th, Outfest, Barreiro, Portugal
SUPER SS live act :
24 mai 2008 aux Instants Chavirés à Montreuil (with Sister Iodine) Paris France
an AMORTOUT marchandising stand will be present at theses places
7 April 2008
on high demand, here is the first EgoNoir album :
EGONOIR " Die Saga " CD
3 panels cover with lyrics printed on thick grey paper.
this album shows an extreme noirceur
dark metal with some industrial feelings.
1 April 2008
SUPER SS (Industrial Noise) + Sophie Aubrac (Horrible analogue Noise Mess)
live in Paris the 1st of April
à la Miroiterie (3€)
Stand AMORTOUT sur place
28 Octobre 2007
ALUK TODOLO "Descension" album is also available on LP.
released by Riot Season, you can order it directly form AMORTOUT
28 Octobre 2007
We have some ALUK TODOLO "Descension" album available on CD just released on Public Guilt
Aluk Todolo is occult rock, organic mixing of krautrock's strangeness and black metal's coldness
contains members from Amortout and Diamatregon
27 Octobre 2007
AMORTOUT T-shirts available in M, L and XL (see order section)
14 Juillet 2007
OBSCURE sera en concert / performance au festival "le placard festival pour casques"
le Samedi 28 Juillet à - la Generale en Manufacture - 6 grande rue, Sevres (Metro Sevres) à 21h30
avec entre autres Evil Moisture
13 MAI 2007
AMORTOUT is proud to present one of the best dark/black metal act coming from Germany.
if you are into music like Burzum, Leviathan, Bethlehem, Strid or old Manes, this is definitly for you.
Total psycho dark metal,
noir, noir, noir
"Der Pfad Zum Fluss "
available 10€ - 12$
11 AVRIL 2007
We have THE GAULT "even as all before us" available on gatefold double vinyl (2LP) + patch included
you can order them directly at AMORTOUT
1er FEVRIER 2007
We found back some DIAMATREGON "Charognard" 7ep
you can order it from amortout
The 6th AMORTOUT release is in process.
Await a great masterpiece
7 JUILLET 2006
We have some Aluk Todolo 7ep available here
It is
released by Implied Sound
Aluk Todolo is occult rock, with members of Diamatregon and Vediog Svaor
12 MAI 2006
OBSCURE "christianisme" are available.
OBSCURE is about fanatisme only.
This release include photos, video and music.
- limited to 27 -
19 DECEMBRE 2005
THE GAULT are finally ready.
We are finally proud to present you one of the most inspired introspective creation.
Imagine something unique and dark, between
Neurosis and Christian death, or Burzum and Bauhaus.
With members of Weakling, Amber Aslum and Asunder.
This released has been delayed because the first press failed.
There were some glitchs between the tracks.
AMORTOUT and THE GAULT decided to repress the whole CDs.
So all THE GAULT CD you will order from AMORTOUT are garanteed without glitching.
new address
11 JUIN 2005
BLACKTHRONE "Black Metal Juggernaut" CD are now available
Take care, this is Dangerous Old School Black Metal!
This album is coproduced with Sabbathid productions from Japan.
4 JUIN 2005
Piss section improved - About removed
AMT 003 and 004 are at pressing plant
AMORTOUT found some labels to coproduce them
one with USA, the other with JAPAN
Should be available end June or so.
1er MAI 2005
AMORTOUT productions présente les 24h du COSTES.
L'intégrale COSTES en 31 VIDEOS.
24 h d'horreur extreme et de total fascination / le pire du pire du fond de l'horreur de l'humain.
8 JANVIER 2005
Fête des Lumieres
The soundtrack of the installation (made by OBSCURE) will be released on AMORTOUT
Await an ultra limited hand made package... soon
Dans le cadre de la
fête des lumieres de Lyon,
AMORTOUT productions presente une installation conçue et realisée
par les membres d'AMORTOUT productions.
L'installation sera visible les 8,9 et 10 décembre
de 20h à minuit. 43 rue Chalopin - La guillotière - Lyon .
Musique : OBSCURE
We are closing the
distro section.
The COSTES "Oeuvre au noir" CD is now available.
The album is in french from Social destruction to Self destruction.
The darkest side of COSTES.
JUNE 2004
!!!!!!!!!!!!THE DIE HARD PACKAGE IS SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
All copy have been sold within less than a week.
the normal edition of the 7inch is still availble.
distributors ask for wholesales
JUNE 2004
BETHLEHEM 7ep is finally out on the 3d of June 2004
All coming in white vinyl and gatefold sleeve.
the DIE HARD package is limited to 47
It includes the 7ep+an exclusive T-Shirt
The material for the Bethlehem "Alles Tot" 7ep have been sent to press,
it will be limited to 500, all coming in gatefold sleeves and white vinyl.
Also, a DIE HARD package, limited to 47 will be available, including an exclusive
We hope it will be available early May.
The 2 next releases on AMORTOUT will be the albums from THE GAULT and COSTES.
No release date yet.
Also BLACKLODGE will tour with ABORYM in Belgium and Holland flyer
First AMORTOUT release will be a 7ep from the German Dark Metal Band BETHLEHEM.
It will include rare tracks from 1996-97 never released on their albums.
Expect it for April/ May. Note that this release is official, worked in cooperation
with Bartsch.
website online at www.amortout.com
AMORTOUT web designing
AMORTOUT productions raise in our minds as a rupture to DMG productions